Category Archives: Classes

Art Classes

Claire’s weekly Art Classes have been running since 2018 from her studio, Tower Studio at St Michaels Art and Vintage Quarter, Bridport, in Dorset

An opportunity to discover, learn, and practice with a variety of subject matter, still life, drawing and painting. Fully guided in a safe relaxed atmosphere.

All abilities welcome. Small, friendly groups with professional guidance, everything is provided, including cake.

To see the full gallery of works, visit Claire’s Facebook page: Tower Studio Art Class – Bridport

Availability and prices on request.

“Claire has got the balance between learning new skills and having fun just right”

– Lynda

Group Workshops

Claire provides a bespoke Art Workshop at her studio or at a venue of your choice. Whether it is for a corporate teambuilding event, or a social occasion such as a birthday, or stag/hen party, Claire provides a tailor made day to suit your requirements.

After observational and drawing exercises, the group works together to produce one single large piece of original art, which can displayed in a place of work or donated to birthday person, stag/bride or charity.
All materials and refreshments (and a glass of bubbly!) included.

“I found the experience of making a piece of art together as a group exceeded my already high expectations. We were immediately put at ease, and everyone entered into the spirit of it. It was a period of calm and closeness and a much needed space to all get to know each other and express ourselves. I found I enjoyed art again for the first time in 20 years! The finished piece was incredible. It’s an experience I will never forget and I honestly can’t think of a more bonding, therapeutic and fun group activity. “

– Kate

Hen Party

“ Really fantastic workshop. Professionally delivered, it definitely brought us together as a team, but in a really fun and friendly way. We have learnt new qualities in each other and have taken new skills back to the workplace. We all viewed the world a bit differently driving home!
We love our piece of art we created, it’s hanging in the office and we’ve had some great comments on it. Thank you it was brilliant.”

– Bridget Betts

Dorset Coastal Forum